Finnish Student Sports Federation (OLL) and Tampereen Teekkareiden Lentopallokerho (TTLK) organize volleyball's FSC-tournament in Tampere on 23.-24.9.2023. The tournament will be played in Tampere University Hervanta Campus at Tamppi Arena.
The amateur class was played in the spring so now we'll play only the men's and women's classes. The sign-up is open until 10.9.
The tournament will follow the official rules of volleyball. We'll play only two sets but in the finals we'll play the best of three sets.
All members who are part of OLL are insured during the volleyball FSC tournament. More info:
The arena is accessible to the audience.
Follow TTLK on social media to get news and announcements related to FSC-competition:
FSC-responsible (TTLK)
Laura Ala-Hakuni (preferred)
Harassment contact person
Salla Partanen
Tamppi Arena, Hervanta campus
Korkeakoulunkatu 12, 33720 Tampere